UPDATED as of 11-1-2020. I have checked the links and offers of free or free trial periods. What is remaining on the list fits those criteria at the time of posting. I apologize if any links do not work or the free promotions are no longer valid.
I have put together a list of free or free trial websites for both educators and parents to use. I have them categorized for Educators (but parents can look too ;) ) and subject area. I will add more to this list as I see them. Please visit my Facebook, or Instagram page or website for more tips.
50 States Guidances on COVID 19 Remote Learning
Mental Health Helps
https://gozen.com/ Great resource for anxiety and stress ideas
📷 Educator and Therapist Links
https://www.readinga-z.com/ Free Trial
https://www.weareteachers.com/social-studies-websites/ 25 websites for Social Studies
https://www.adventureacademy.com/ 30 Day free trial Grades 3-6
https://www.k5learning.com/ Free trial and some always free material
https://edsitement.neh.gov/ art, history, language, and literature
https://www.activeschoolsus.org/news-and-resources/2017-1-17-inclusive-physical-education-and-physical-activity-video-library/ Examples of Adapted PE activities. Always free
https://www.weareteachers.com/best-math-websites/ A collection of free math websites for teachers
https://www.mobymax.com/ It is free to get started
https://www.albert.io/home Middle school subjects
https://hippocampus.org/ Middle-high school ideas
https://about.vidcode.com/lovemyvidcode/2020/3/9/in-support-of-schools-facing-health-related-closure online coding and computer science curriculum specifically for teens. It teaches JavaScript, web programming, design, and more
https://www.century.tech/coronavirus-support/ Not free, $1 for the first month, then a cost every month. Intervention tool to identify and remedy gaps in a student’s education. It uses artificial intelligence to tailor the learning experience to the learner, much like an actual teacher in the classroom would.
https://lyrics2learn.com/ K-5 30 day free trial I had students raise their reading level by 2 grades in 1 year! Shelley K
https://ectacenter.org/topics/disaster/ti-service.asp Article with ideas for providing telehealth to early childhood students
https://tats.ucf.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/9/2020/03/Tips-on-Working-From-Home-1.pdf Tips for teachers working from home
https://tats.ucf.edu/online-resources-for-remote-instruction/ Technical Assistance and Training System website
https://wow.boomlearning.com/ Free trial BOOM Cards and Boom Learning
https://www.kamiapp.com/ Free Basic plan Digital Classroom Hero that connects to Google Classroom
**If your school system utilizing the programs LANGUAGE! and Transmath then your students have an interactive text they can access through their student port.
**If you use Google, there is an extension called read and write. It has many features that you might find helpful including a way for you to select a passage and have your student read it while recording themselves and them thru send it to you
📷 English/Writing/Reading
https://www.readinga-z.com/ free trial
https://www.squigglepark.com/ 2 week free trial
https://www.typing.com/student/signup Typing, digital literacy, and coding Free
https://www.k5learning.com/ Free trial and some always free material
https://newsela.com/ free
https://www.penpalschools.com/index.html free get a pen pal anywhere in the world
https://lyrics2learn.com/ free for 30 days K-5
https://fluencyandfitness.com/register/school-closures/?fbclid=IwAR132_ymiAwbwdQ4uQn5hFW9o1S8ez_1hHqI3AqIJwhztjwHFv1EocpuvVw 21 day free trial for parents
https://scholarwithin.com/online-reading-program 7 day free trial, then monthly
Early Childhood Education
https://teachmetotalk.com/ Online Speech program some free
📷 Math
www.khanacademy.com free
https://www.ixl.com/ free trial (daily limit of free questions)
https://www.mangahigh.com/en-gb/blog/2020-03-06-free-access-schools-online-maths-coronavirus Free trial Middle to High school level
https://www.adventureacademy.com/ 30 day free trial for ages 8-13 in several subjects
https://www.weareteachers.com/math-card-games/?fbclid=IwAR3lOKTvaWfyKULEDcwL_KFFs1K0GyMFaOF9vNTrX7Z9K-Rj0N0z8Fry0uk card games to teach math skills
📷 Social Studies
📷 Science
https://www.youtube.com/watchv=ZWJfIdZOpP4&fbclid=IwAR2QqgGmmecT7efj5gaQtt5IqOlrWXfx9hskBwERnU5eJ-RQrj3PGkMibfk how to make a cotton ball launcher
📷 PE-all free
https://www.gonoodle.com/ kids earn points as they go through
https://www.youtube.com/user/TheLearningStation lots of options!
Go to youtube.com and type in Yoga for kids...you’ll get hundreds of free options
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ng4teg-169M Adapted Yoga
📷 Art
https://www.travelandleisure.com/attractions/museums-galleries/museums-with-virtual-tours Virtual Tours of 12 museums
https://naturalhistory.si.edu/visit/virtual-tour Virtual Tour of the Smithsonian
https://www.thecolor.com/ printable coloring pages
http://coloritbynumbers.com/online online coloring options
https://www.thesprucecrafts.com/10-minute-crafts-for-kids-1250670 Craft ideas for kids
📷Questions about FAPE and or compensatory services
From the Department of Education
https://www.understood.org/en/school-learning/coronavirus-school-closings-legal-faqs?_ul=1*128gjah*domain_userid*YW1wLVFZbHVzQnV3Mk5SNnF5ak9teWtFT2c. Legal FAQs on the Coronavirus, School Closings, and Special Education from Understood.org
Article and tips for dealing with the situation
https://dogdigz.com/therapy-dog-autism/ An article about the benefits of having a therapy dog for a child with autism.
https://adayinourshoes.com/covid-19-how-to-not-freak-out-if-you-have-a-disabled-child/ how to not freak out
https://www.catherinewhitcher.com/blog LOTS of articles and videos about collaborative ways to work with the schools right now
https://www.autismparentingmagazine.com/child-with-autism-on-coronavirus/?utm_source=sharebar&utm_medium=facebook&utm_campaign=mashshare&fbclid=IwAR1-_rkKPkkEWK5_juQe5bslaOMrbOAKZV4Wb9_9EI881Vg-ZZ6gVrH31Ik article on how to talk to your children about coronavirus
https://gozen.com/Great material on dealing with and managing stress and anxiety, some free
📷Link to Apps available for children with special needs
Virtual Field Trips and Other
https://freedomhomeschooling.com/virtual-fieldtrips/fbclid=IwAR1Ud3n0kVIq9wulNTIt_de_zF2hYHwoC70C53ckEL0E62JqLpg6bAolmSE Links to virtual field trips
https://pbskids.org/ PBS kids free
https://www.greatschools.org/gk/worksheets/ worksheets for all elementary grades and subjects
https://www.education.com/worksheets/ worksheets
https://www.superteacherworksheets.com/ (my favorite) fee to join but many items are also free
https://stories.audible.com/start-listen Listen to stories online
https://mommypoppins.com/ free activities of all kinds
https://www.romper.com/p/while-disney-world-disneyland-are-closed-take-your-kids-on-virtual-rides-22622893?fbclid=IwAR1jXWpeR1rHh9ubMp33c9J0mNy_iq3lC3PpFIDGOiQb66bN-2J0bSUgq9w Virtual riding of activities at Disneyworld and Disneyland
https://www.americandairy.com/news-and-events/dairy-diary/dairy-farming/virtual-farm-tours-while-youre-stuck-at-home.stml?fbclid=IwAR1yS0feJWJT4Mvqpx4B26Bv9gEX9_TEKokkJmeYVaLsfrc02UScS7o51Jc Virtual Farm Tour (broken down by ages)
https://adventuresinfamilyhood.com/20-virtual-field-trips-to-take-with-your-kids.html?fbclid=IwAR2CTV72HJbApnfvSHv1JVpkGql02XMTzL9SxPm0q7zuB_E7DMENdx47vDo more virtual trips (some are same as first entry)
https://www.playbill.com/article/15-broadway-plays-and-musicals-you-can-watch-on-stage-from-home?fbclid=IwAR2L9AjZd_P1g8W3m4mWPJkfWYjATWSV9bBTcVhGiehYKS9RxhFSIrqC6_I Online Broadway Shows
https://savedyouaspot.com/2020/03/12/20-screen-free-things-to-do-with-your-kids-indoors-when-school-is-closed/?fbclid=IwAR3YaV9i_Gq1nP2XFu4ZmqkN6xeiXpaLBjcznFa_sRjFzBlRJ0fZJkHxDYg 20 nonscreen activities to do with your kids
https://www.hellowonderful.co/post/minute-to-win-it-games-for-kids/?fbclid=IwAR059Jb1XQWZeRrB0WW61qsR0aJpsPWxpYSyLdon-WBcWeaTURR27bTPcR8 Minute To Win It Games
https://info.flipgrid.com/ Free Recording and sharing of short videos for lessons
Educational Game websites
https://mrnussbaum.com/ all subjects and various levels
mathplayground.com math games
This is a picture of an example schedule. It is just for an idea, you do not have to follow this schedule. If it works for your family, then please use it.📷
How to deal with the anxiety going on currently.